
Travel Nursing Company

5 Things to Look for in a Travel Nursing Company

You probably already know that when you go for a job interview, you are interviewing your potential employer just as much as the company is interviewing you. The same applies when choosing a travel nursing company, such as Cirrus Medical Staffing. To find the right travel nursing assignment for you, ...
Battling Nurse Burnout

Too Old to Color? Battle Nurse Burnout by Nurturing Your Soul

Battling Nurse Burnout As nursing professionals, we work long, difficult hours. We drive home exhausted to find spouse, children, pets, cluttered houses and friends awaiting our time and attention. Our needs and wants are frequently placed on the back burner for months and years at a time until we’re running on ...

10 Ways for Travel Nurses to Feel at Home in a New City

Moving to a new city, even temporarily, can be equally discouraging as it is exciting. Many travel nurses find themselves combatting loneliness, endlessly searching for ways to feel a little more at home. Fear not! If you're currently away from home, family, and friends for your travel RN job, there ...
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