Maintain Your Healthy Lifestyle as a Travel Nurse

5 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Healthy Lifestyle as a Travel Nurse

Maintain Your Healthy Lifestyle as a Travel NurseStaying healthy as a travel nurse isn’t always as easy as it looks. Sure, your Instagram may be full of hiking photos or other active adventures you’ve chronicled, but extending that mindset to your diet can be difficult on the road. Here are a few tips as to how you can maintain a healthy eating lifestyle as a travel nurse – even with fast food calling your name at every exit on the interstate.

  1. Remember your “why”.
    Whenever you think to yourself, “this is just too hard” or “wow, that burger in the cafeteria smells tasty”, take a minute and go over your reasons for having a healthy diet in the first place. Try to maintain perspective by remembering how much better you feel than before you took up eating healthy.
  2. K.I.S.S.
    As in, “Keep it simple sweetheart”! While on the road, stick to four or five of your favorite dishes – one-pan or raw meals translate into less cooking supplies you have to pack. Choose the few items that you simply cannot live without such as a travel-size blender, knives, and a cutting board so you’re able to make most of the things you want.On a weekly basis, buy fresh fruits and veggies that you KNOW you will eat. Stock up on things like rice, dry beans and oatmeal. Grab a few canned soups to leave in your locker for emergency days. Don’t forget to get a few basic spices and/or sauces and you’re well on your way to a simple work week of great food!
  3. Plan ahead.
    Taking a few hours to plan out your week’s meals can make a travel nurse’s busy life much less stressful. Consider using a food planner site to line up exactly what you’ll be making with what you’ll need to buy. Take it a step further and prep your meals at the same time —just grab that day’s container and walk out the door!
  4. Explore your area.
    Ask your co-workers and Google what wonderful places are nearby. You’ll find local farmer’s markets to be your best friends, and who doesn’t like to find new healthy restaurants? Get out and enjoy every new place you can!
  5. Get inspired!
    There are loads of YouTube and Instagram pages that make staying healthy fun and super simple. Here are a few you’ll want to check out:
    Fully Raw Kristina
    Raw Alignment
    Kate Fruit Flowers
    Lily Koi Hawaii
    Mic the Vegan
    Happy Healthy Vegan

Author Bio: Summer Kennedy Carrion, the person behind the Instagram page @sweet_vegan_momma, has been traveling off and on for over twelve years now. She has been Vegan for two years and has found it so much easier to travel.